So, I’m on the June blog, and I really don’t know what to write apart from a load of rubbish that’s in my head.
Aurora is out for Pre-Order!!!
Have I already said this?
Yep, I have, but Aurora is available for pre-order from Amazon and will be released July 21st just so you know.
Anyway, back to my thoughts for today. Today I want to talk about how book 2 in The BrightStone Saga is going. Firstly, I started writing in February 2022, but I wasn’t very productive for about six or seven months with very little words written which didn’t help.
And so far this year, I haven’t been much better, haha.
But, I can blame that on Aurora. I have spent much of this year revising, formatting and getting it ready for publication. Going back and forth with map designs and layouts, and all the boring stuff that has given me a headache. Ordered a few proof copies and then made further tweaks to various things until I was happy with everything.
But, I digress again…
Book 2 is finally coming along nicely. I have drafted 30 chapters so far with a further 32 to go, so I’m nearly halfway (yes, I know I am a slow writer, but I promise it will be worth it). So the 30 chapters are a mix of various POV’s and different story lines which may or may not link up at some point. I don’t want to give anything away. Word count is around the 55k mark, so looking at 110k-120k as a finished draft that I am sure will grow with the re-writes.
Overall, I am happy with how it’s going. I could be writing more words at a quicker pace, I know. So I have set a goal to finish at the end of August 2023. It’s a big leap for me as Aurora took me about 5 years to finish the first draft, so if I can finish book 2 in 2 years, I’ll be a happy man.
So that is the plan. Finish book 2 by August 31st 2023, all 62 chapters that I’ve outlined but no doubt will end up going it’s own way on various tangents.
I hope you enjoyed the ramblings of a soon to be published author?
Thanks for reading.
Pre-Order Aurora from Amazon here:
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